Holy crap, how can it be July already? Things have been nutso in Chez Jarman - but that's nothing new, eh? (And there's my Yooper coming out thanks to my 2 week trek into the wilds of Upper Michigan)
Summer started off with a bit of stress. My 11 year old ended up in the hospital to get her appendix removed. Thankfully, she is doing well and pretty much back to normal. Having the kids home for the summer... Well, that has cut into my writing time more than I anticipated. I think I tend to overestimate how much I can accomplish with a houseful of people. But I am managing to write every day. Even if it's only a couple hundred words.
At the end of June, I had the pleasure of spending a week with a group of author friends at a cottage on Lake Superior in Upper Michigan. It was amazing and I'll be doing a separate post on that right after this one. :) I have pictures and everything.
The following week, the hubs and kids met me up there and we camped for 5 days at the state park on Lake Superior. I loved it, but man, the Lady Lake Superior threw some fits. One night, the storm that came off the lake completely took down our tent. Leveled it. Thank goodness my parents live only 10 miles from the park. So they were lucky enough to get a call from me at 1am saying, "Unlock the doors; we're heading over." We had another night that storms rolled through, so 2 out of the 5 nights we spent at Mom and Dad's. But other than that, it was a beautiful week spent enjoying the area. I miss living up there, and certainly didn't appreciate it enough when I was there.
Now, I'm back, catching up with the day job and getting back into the swing of working every day again.
The rest of the summer is just as busy with family camping with the hubs' side of the family, bringing our oldest to base camp (boy scouts) to spend 6 weeks training as a counselor, Authors After Dark in NOLA at the beginning of August, and hubs and I are planning a weekend away alone to celebrate out anniversary at the end of August. Come September, I'll be sighing in relief when the kids head back to school. Even though the school year is busy as all get out, I'll have my days back. And I'll REALLY have them back because I'll no longer be doing childcare during the day for my 3 year old niece. Her baby sister is arriving in September and their mama has decided to stay home then. So, in theory, I'll be able to get loads more done, right? LOL
Stay tuned for pics and tales of the Yooper Writing Retreat. :)
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