Sunday, July 5, 2009

Birthdays and Fireworks

I had a fabulous weekend. Friday was my birthday--we won't mention age in this post at all, thank you very much ;-) --and of course the Fourth on Saturday. The hubby and the kids made me a cake. I got a cool game for the Wii. :-) And otherwise had a lazy, lazy day. I didn't go on the computer, I didn't do house or yard work...nothin'. I read and and lounged around. Just lovely.

The Fourth was low-key. My family lives in another state, and we weren't going to travel again a few days after getting back from vacation. :) Most of the hubby's family was out of town for the holiday. So his sister & her fiance stopped by and we grilled out. Another of his sisters came by for a bit later (he has 7 sibs so really, most were out of town!) It was great. Very relaxing, though I did miss my family. I'm looking forward to our next trip up there later this summer.

But the relaxation is over. LOL Gotta jump back into the current work-in-progress. The goal is to finish it by the end of the week and submit to my editor. Of course, then it's on to the next project--the next Fey book! Yay.

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.


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